

Food news

Guide Tour in Toyosu Market!!

We took guide tour in Toyosu market inviting Restaurant Chefs from Thailand and New York and Import wholesaler from Singapore.


At first, we observed the tuna auction. The number of tunas dealt in one auction is around 200 to 300 for fresh and becomes large amount when include frozen tuna. It is said that the average daily sales are as much as 400 million yen. Although the general consumers cannot enter the auction place, we got permission through our supplier. Our customers were very excited at unfamiliar hand signals, energetic shout and how fast tunas are dealt while watching the auction closely.

Second, we visited an intermediate wholesaler in the market. There are so many intermediate wholesalers in the market and we have good partnership with them. Our customers were satisfied to feel the lively market and our supplier’s professional eyes to see the freshness and quality of fish.

At lase we guided the working space where we pack the fish to export. We had our customers see how carefully we handle fish and told them that we do our best to keep the freshness of fish so that they can feel easy about ordering fish to us in the future. We will keep trying to send as safe and trusted items as possible.


【Contact us】

Itabashi Trading Co., Ltd

Food Department 

Mr. TAKAYAMA  (Japanese, English, German)

TEL :+81-3-3248-1016(Workday 10:00~17:00) 

FAX :+81-3-3248-1008


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